ArteLateral and Open Studio have come together to create an award to help fulfil one of its main objectives: the artistic training and education of new audiences by reinforcing cultural networks, a shared goal that has materialised in the creation of this award. Open Studio shows the public the artist’s work in his or her studio, and ArteLateral exhibits it in an unusual venue for the exhibition of contemporary works.
The projects carried out by each of the winners can be visited at five Lateral locations in Madrid (Arturo Soria, 126; Doctor Fleming, 44; Fuencarral, 43; Velázquez, 57; and Plaza de Santa Ana, 12).

In these times we are experiencing that are so strongly affected by the pandemic, precariousness is becoming more and more accentuated, especially amongst the youth. The lack of resources, the difficulties to carry out projects, the constant feeling of failure -following the established standards- or not being able to live up to certain expectations are some of the themes present in my work, that had its initial focus on the world of the young artist, and ended up focusing on society in general. Precariousness is always present in my work, either in a thematic way, through the distortion of advertising messages and playing with texts and images, or in a formal way, using precarious materials and destructive techniques, where accidents and imperfections are all part of the creative process.

Das Geheimnis / El secreto
16 fotografías
Fotografía analógica, color, 35 mm
27 x 40 cm
My practice, mainly photographic, seeks to establish narratives about issues that lie hidden or outside the hegemonic system of representation. I am interested in ideas of refuge, of secrecy, as well as what is beyond the reach of our sight, mainly under the earth. I think there is a point of intersection between the poetic and the political in this whole semantic field since a shelter can be an animal burrow but it can also be a civil war bunker. I tend to focus my projects on spaces that contain historical layers over which there are conflicts around memory and heritage.

Álvaro y Julia
Óleo sobre lienzo
20 x 33 cm
I am Javier Rodríguez Lozano, an artist who lives and works in Madrid, although I grew up in a little town of La Mancha.
Between the domestic and the urban, the private and the public, my projects come from small daily phenomena, of subtle and marginal kind. Despite being overlooked on a daily basis, they have great symbolic value, mainly of an identity nature.
My work focuses on the visual language of that threshold, exploring its material and pictorial possibilities.
This have taken me to work with things as different as the doormats of the building I live in Madrid, as well with those of the houses I visit (family, friends, lovers...), the curtains that protect the wooden doors of the towns of La Mancha (where my hometown is and where I grew up), the urban and symbolic imaginary of Madrid through graffiti and the underground lights, and the figure of the cat as a recurringMsymbol of both the home and the street.
With my work, I catalog and arrange this autobiographical imaginary, connecting it with previous and contemporary pictorial references and its practical use. My practice becomes a way of making reality more complex, opening a space to re- think and re-appreciate what surrouds us.

Bordado s/ algodón
137 x 100 cm
Año 2020
Julia works on abstraction using various techniques and media (mainly fabric and paper) trying to understand it as a language. Her pieces are developed between processes and with certain materials that influence the identity of the piece. Thus, I delve into which are the most elementary characteristics to reflect with them in an aesthetic and cognitive sense about their own essence and possibilities. At the moment her nucleus of concern is the enunciative capacity of the abstract form and the minimum narrative and material units.

Elementos para una coreografía en movimiento propio nº2
Serigrafía sobre diferentes papeles, enmarcación en madera
Medidas aproximadas de 20 x 30 cm cada pieza
Her research focuses on the fields of arts, humanities, and astronomy. She investigates the symbolic relationships between reality and fiction, as well as ideas of error and failure in the relationship between models of historical thought, whose responsibility is perceptible in the contemporary productive and visual consciousness. Her work reflects ideas of time, combining concepts of speed, duration, and temporal experience. In this way, she questions the use of spaces and objects, linking ideas as renewal and waste using seemingly insignificant objects, ideas, and events. Doing an exploration of the traces of a society in constant change towards a new one, to carry out an archeology of time that investigates the memory of spaces.
The winners of this fourth edition are:
Ana de Fontecha, Elena Jiménez,
I Edition:
Tamara Arroyo
Alejandro Bombín
Eduardo Nave
Paula Rubio Infante
II Edition:
Juan Baraja
Paloma Gámez
Rafa Munárriz
Daniel Vega Borrego
III Edition:
Elvira Amor
Mar Cubero
Sergio Domínguez Loeda
IV Edition:
V Edition:
Alex Marco
Christian Lagata
Carlos Monleon
Cristina Mejias
Edward Boat
Esther Merinero
Lorraine Gutierrez